Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Almost home

We're slowly moving in and will be out of the rental by Friday! Of course it's one of the hottest, most humid and wet weeks this summer, but whatever... We're moving in! The girls put on their pj's and crawled into their beds at 6:00. Just for pretend, of course:)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Kid Stuff

Yep, floors should be done today! I'll have pictures in the next post. However, this post is about the kids and how they cooled off during last weekends heat.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


And suddenly we're 10 days from moving into our house. I think after so many delays, it was starting to feel like moving time would never get here. But that's when the concrete counters showed up. Below is my island waiting to be installed.
Powder Room Counter.
Installation Process
The edge of the island has a river rock aggregate for interest.
Kitchen Sink
Master Bath Counter (the lighting makes it look darker than it is)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Love Me Like You Do

I had a dry-erase board in my childhood bedroom. In 1988, I wrote the entire lyrics to Sinaid O'Connor 'Nothing Compares 2 U' on that whiteboard. Therefore, it should have been no surprise when Maisie started researching song lyrics to practice singing. The song she chose was "Love Me Like You Do". Only then did I realize the song is from the '50 Shades of Grey' soundtrack. Once again, I'm disqualified from Mother of the Year Award. While we watched 'Glee' on Netflix Tuesday evening (which I'm obsessed with), Maisie was busy writing the "Love Me Like You Do' lyrics onto paper for a concert she would later perform. Little did I know the concert would be held on the courthouse steps Wednesday morning with Molly and I. Wednesday morning rolled around and Maisie's lip gloss had been applied. It was concert time. Ross wasn't thrilled, but was willing to come along as the photographer. I'll let the photos tell the rest of the story.
The courthouse steps... just one of the places in Winterset I'll forever treasure.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Hodge Podge

Whew, It's been a while! I don't even know where to begin, therefore this post will be a hodge-podgy one. The house building process is in its final lap. Our finish trim carpenter finished-up Monday morning and we await countertops Thursday morning and floors next Monday. GG and Papa visited over the weekend and worked like mules through the heat and manual labor of getting this house done. Grandpa and Papa Boyd supplied showers, food, beverages and childcare services.
The July heat is in full-swing and the kids have begun fighting like cats and dogs. I was on the phone with the Home Depot Rebate Customer Service man (who was difficult to interpret anyway), when Maisie began bawling about Ross throwing something. I made a quick escape to the basement where I could hide behind the dryer. Before long, I was discovered and had to make another attempt at hiding in the yard. Lets just say the Home Depot Behr Paint rebate had a few snags in it. I managed to jump through the hoops regardless. I can only wonder what the customer service man must have thought of my whispering. Not only does the heat have the kids attacking each other, but they eat like hungry lions. Maisie's had a hankering for hamburgers lately. I'm not about to fire up the grill for each craving, therefore I discovered a shortcut. Our ground beef comes frozen in log shapes. I barely defrost the meat enough to slice a 'burger patty' (think slice-n-bake cookies), fry it on the skillet, cut sandwich bread with a cookie cutter and top with ketchup. Just call me Ronald McDonald.
We went to the mall to ride the rides. My kids don't have an appreciation for amusement parks, but show them an escalator and you'd think they were at Disneyland. Go figure.
If this heat wave doesn't end soon, there's no telling what my next post may bring.

Sunday, July 5, 2015