Sunday, August 30, 2015

We survived

We survived... week one, that is.
Ross and Maisie seem normal after their first week of school.  They spend an awful lot of time on the bus, but it's better than hanging out on the streets.
Molly started preschool on Tuesday.  All I can say is, 'Yikes'.  That girls' got some emotions.  The below photo was snapped prior to leaving the house on her first day.  She had just tripped over the rug on the front porch and scraped her knees.  She tried her best to be brave, but she's only 5 and had a lot of feelings going through her little mind that morning.  I should've known then...

Once we arrived to her classroom, the tears, begging and screams started.   I left her classroom as she reached for my hand screaming bloody murder. 
It was absolute hell walking away from her.  But as a mom who loves her baby, I had no choice but to put on my 'tough mom face' and leave her. 
Did I mention it was hell?
Her second day went better.  She likes the bus ride home and made a friend. 
It's the little things right now.
My first week also went well and I've been practicing with "Baby Think It Over" over the weekend for my Child Development class.  GG had to babysit a bit Sunday afternoon. 
Isn't she cute? 
GG, not the baby.
Molly, Laura and Maisie decided to have a water balloon fight Sunday afternoon.  Their personalities sure come through this photo, don't they?
Ross trying his best to be bored.
Wish us luck as we approach week 2!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


The big kids started school Monday.  The bus came to Grandma and Papa's driveway at 6:50 a.m. 

Meanwhile, Molly begins school Thursday.
I had my first day with students Tuesday.  All went well.  I didn't trip, throw up or say anything that could get me in trouble.  It was a good day.
Molly taught Goose to eat off a fork.  He's so much more pleasant when he remembers his manners.
Lastly, Mike and I surprised Ross with an early birthday present...
He seemed to like it.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Frozen Wheels

I'm running a little behind with this post... but Molly finally got her first car!  I think the pictures say it all.

This photo was snapped just as she realized what she was getting.
And yes, the radio plays "Let it Go". 
As if there was any doubt.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Update soon...

I apologize for the delay, but mamas got a new job.  I think she's gonna rock it... I'll keep ya'll posted once kids come Tuesday.  The FCS classroom is looking adorable and lesson plans are coming together delightfully.  Things are looking up😉

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Times of Change

There was a period of time where if someone woke me (especially through the night) I'd become angry and aggressive.  During that same period, if someone were to wake one of my children (especially through the night), I just might rip their face off.
My oh my, how things have evolved around here.  The first to have left my womb is almost 10.  If I could go back to the fall of '05 and tell my 26-year-old self something, below is what it would be...
  • 1.  You will sleep through the night again.
  • 2.  Your shirts wont always smell like sour breast milk.  Eventually they'll smell like laundry soap again.  Speaking of which, don't waste your money on Dreft. 
  • 3.  Don't worry about those pussy tear ducts, they clear on their own in 7-9 months.
  • 4.  Don't entertain him constantly.  Set him down and let him stare at the ceiling once in a while.
  • 5.  Routines don't have be exact.  Get a grip.
  • 7.  The dishes don't have to be done immediately.  They don't go anywhere.
  • 8.  Memorize the smell of his skin.
  • 9.  Baby massage doesn't really do anything.
  • 10.  He won't starve if he doesn't eat every 2 hours.  Seriously, quit whipping out a nipple every time he fusses.
  • 11.  Spilt milk sucks, but it's okay.  You don't run out.
  • 12.  Did I mention you will sleep through the night again?
  • 13.  That pouch of tummy fat won't leave until he's 1. 
  • 14.  The pasta sauce is what made him gassy.
  • 15.  He will have lots of friends and be a nice kid.  Not perfect, but nice.
  • 16.  Don't watch Baby Einstein constantly.  Feel free to watch Regis and Kelly once in a while without feeling guilty.  It won't hurt him.
  • 17.  He knows your smell and your voice and your touch.  He knows you love him.
  • 18.  Someday he'll eat red sauce.
  • 19.  Miralax will help for a year.
  • 20.  Take him to see his great Grandmas.
  • 21. There will come a day when he's almost 10 that you actually wake him through the night to see the stars... on purpose.
Last night was that night.  I'd heard all the type about the anticipated meteor shower occurring between 12:00-4:00 a.m. on the morning of August 13th.  Mike and the girls were out of town which left Ross and I.  Me, being a science nut couldn't resist the opportunity to show my boy the stars.  I woke to my alarm at 2:23 a.m. and drug him outside to admire the canopy of white stars in the black sky.  Wishing I'd put my contacts in and put on shoes, we stood on the gravel driveway of Grandpa and Papas house watching falling star after falling star.  We listened to an owl in the distance that sounded like a woodpecker.  It made us laugh.  We only lasted 10 minutes before Ross became concerned with UFO's and we went back to bed.
10 years ago I wouldn't have dreamed of intentionally pulling my kid out of bed through the night.  But like I said, times have changed.  And I think were just getting to the good part...
I didn't get any pictures of Ross or I during the meteor shower, so I'll share these instead.  Ross went camping in Missouri with friends last weekend.  They brought along MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) for food.  Apparently, Ross loved them.  In fact, the family who supplied them gave an extra one to Ross to eat at home.  Below are the photos of Ross making his MRE at home.

They come with a packet of water which you pour into a pouch.  It causes a chemical reaction and begins to heat on its own.

Below you can see steam rising.

An enormous saltine cracker.

The cooked pasta with red sauce.

Ross eating 'red sauce' and liking it.

I'd have never guessed.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Birthday Pictures

Several years ago I would have taken photos of Molly opening her birthday presents, but this year I didn't cause I was making coffee.  I would have taken photos of Molly swimming at the Clive Aquatic pool with Ross and Maisie, but I was busy playing sharks and trying to keep Molly from drowning in the lazy river.  I would have taken a photo of the kids playing in the play area at the mall, but we got there just as the play area shuts down for cleaning.  I would have taken a descent photo of the kids playing on the escalator at the mall, but I was being 'talked to' by the mall cop about safety.  I would have taken a photo of the kids eating 'fro-yo' at Costco, but they were fighting over who got the most pop.

On the other hand, I got plenty pictures of Molly's birthday cake. 

Of course everyone was pretty much naked.
We did several rounds of this...
and I let Molly cut the cake.
She's 5.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Disney Channel

Dear Disney Channel,
You tick me off.  At the same time, I need you.  I suppose that's the definition of a love/hate relationship?
I love the way you captivate my kids with your teeny-bopper dramas.  Jesse, Liv', Maddie, Austin, Allie, Cassie Undercover, Goodluck Charlie, and on and on and on...  You really nailed your audience with your characters, topics and humor.  Kudos to you.  Plus, your programming schedule gives me ample time to get my to-do list checked off. 
However, I can't help but think of what you've stolen from me.  The times I've chosen to read, scan Pinterest or Facebook, edit photos or clean something that didn't need cleaned.  Today you pissed me off.  I heard the dog talking on 'Dog With A Blog' as I read my back to school itinerary (which came in the mail today).  I realized a talking dog was hogging my kids. 
I should be having fun with them while I can.  
I suggested we all go to the pool.  Well that caused a fight.  2 for the pool, 1 against.  Tears, desperate begging, whining and bargaining began.  I should've known.
Thank heavens the FCEDS curriculum at ISU included psychology.  The skills I've learned in that coarse have come in handy more than once.
We compromised on a water balloon obstacle coarse in the yard instead. 
The coarse involved throwing a Frisbee, tossing a water balloon into a tub, painting a stepping stone with water, swinging and smashing a water balloon over your head.
This looks worse than it was.
It was all fun and games until someone came up with a new version of the 'water bra'.
I'd have posted more photos of Maisie doing the obstacle coarse, but they were borderline pornographic.  So I left them out.
Molly's suit just wouldn't hold the balloons the same way Maisie's would. The below photo is her 'whatever' look.

Today I'm grateful I stole my kids back from Disney. 
Disney has a time and place, but it wasn't today.