Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Open Smiles, Twinsies and Military Gear

I truly wish I could post more, but life's got me by the horns.  Between the laundry (which fills the entire sectional), the snacks which are never enough, the floors that look like an explosion of corn on the cob mixed with cake and mashed potato, the paperwork, the career, the side jobs/fundraisers, the toilets that look like someone has IBS, and did I mention the laundry... I'm sorta drowning.

But this blog is my escape and when I start getting crabby, I know it's time to type, that or sleep  Whatever.  My 'me-time' is essential to running this circus.

This little critter eats lunch at 10:45.  She commented how some kids eat lunch with their mom and 2 friends in the cafĂ©.  Well for Pete's sake darlin', all you had to do was ask!  10:45 is the start of my prep period, so lunch with little Moo is no bigs!  And for her 2 friends... she chose the two girls standing behind her in line.  Naturally. 

The open mouth smile is hereditary.  She honestly can't resist doing it.

I asked for one with a real smile.

This little girl in my cooking class has the same smile.  I get it.

Uncle Donn was out to share his old military gear with Ross last weekend.  Let's just say they were both in hog heaven.

This was the concluding photo from Maisie's birthday.  Matching outfits from the mall.

Molly bought her own new shirt with her tooth fairy money.

And of course we've had track meets.
This is Molly. Wearing Grandma's visor.  With Maisie laying on the bleacher under her.

And a sweet science teacher makes Violet jelly!  She brought this to me on Monday and I think its gorgeous.  She makes it with those pretty wild violets that are popping up this time of year. 
Sometimes it's the little things...

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Hurdles, Turdles, Birthdays and Cousins

Friday night I reminisced.  I was warned by an 8th grader to 'be careful Ms. Boyd, you're OLD' before I did it.  Talk about rude!  However, I DID feel a little more 'clunky' and my hip and knee felt a little tender afterwards.  BUT... I did it.  I ran over 2 hurdles without falling or knocking a hurdle down.  Did I mention it was raining outside?  Even more reminiscing...  Oh, and Mack is running hurdles in a Lennox track meet tomorrow after school.  I'm a little proud.

Mealtimes at our house have become multicultural.  I realized this only as I served Lasagna and Fried Rice on the same night.  Pay no attention to the boy in a bandana laying in the pantry...

And guess who's missing her 2 front teeth!!!
And rest assured, the white mass in the front of her gums is NOT her new tooth.  Just a build up of white blood cells due to the tooth wanting to come out a week ago.
It's gone now.

Maisie turned 9 yesterday and her biggest wish was to slide down the steps on cardboard into a pile of balloons. 

Like Walt Disney, I'm here to make dreams come true.
Nevermind the fact she's sliding down the quilt G'Funk made me for High School Graduation. 
I pretty sure G'Funk wouldn't have it any other way.
After school this week, Ross made me turn around for a very important find.

If you can't tell, it's in the green bowl.

And Goose can't stop thinking about it.

It's a turtle.  Ross wanted to show Mack after track practice, but the turtle wouldn't stay in the bucket.  We had to pull over so Ross could let it go under a bridge. 

Our boy.

And I can't forget EASTER!

Watch those puddles!

The hunt was aggressive!

These kids... (minus 4)... their parents... their grandparents... God Love 'Em! 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Track Meets, Buns and Chalk

So here we are, hovering Easter weekend already.  What does that mean?  Basically, strawberries are on sale, groceries stores are giving away free turkeys with the purchase of a ham, the ground is 'soggy', the dog is hyper, ticks are coming out and school needs to end.

I snagged a few shots of Molly Sunday morning, confident her 2 front teeth would be gone by lunchtime.  Well here it is Wednesday and she's not letting them go without a fight.  I'm to the point I'm concerned she's going to choke on her teeth through the night.

But the weather's warm and plants are budding.  Girls and drawing cakes and balloons and boys are creating inappropriate images which will remain until it rains...

And the little guy we'll soon call 'ours' is desperately waiting our arrival. 

Our oldest had his first track meet. 
Holy crap was that COLD!

However, Ross was in his element.  He pawned a hot dog, a blanket and the attention of the 7th and 8th graders throughout the meet.  And incase your wondering, Yes, I snapped this photos as I was shivering UNDER the bleachers so I could use the announcers booth as a wind block.  I felt like a poacher, but it truly was the warmest spot to be.

 By Tuesday night the sun was shining again and Molly and I got to catch up on our Mancala skills outside. 

Track meets, parks, buns and chalk... if that doesn't scream Easter, I don't know what does.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Sharpies, The Asians and Other Things I Love

After touching-up the names on the landscaping rocks, I totally forgot to put the Sharpie back in the house. Can you imagine?  Mack got a wild hair to add a missing name to the bunch... GOOSE!  How could I have forgotten to make Goose a rock?  Well needless to say, Mack took care of it. 
And added some character to his own rock too.

But Art isn't the only skill this kid brought with him.  A school staff member personally brought me Mack's ITBS results.  The NGE number is the National Grade Equivalent for each of the assessment areas.  She thought I might beinterested in his math knowledge...

We also received updates on our new little one.  Man, how I wish I could stick my arm through the computer monitor and pull him home.  Not to mention the cost savings if that were possible....

And a couple of this little heartbreaker; just because.

And I FINALLY got a batch of Chinese Dumplings out of the pan without sticking!  this was a HUGE accomplishment for me. 
Now that Mack is in track until 5, he comes home STARVING.  If there isn't food hot and ready when he walks in the door, he'll plow though a bag of chips, a box of fruit snacks and endless slices of bologna.  So I cook... ALL THE TIME. 
On a given evening, he's known to down a large cherry smoothie, entire skillet of Chicken Fried Rice, French fries, a leftover piece of pizza and 2 of the BIG GoGurts.  That's before he asks,
'What's for Dinner?'
Thank God for Costco and wine.