Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year!

Sending 2018 out with a bang today as we PARTAY it up!

The Winterset Library Noon Year's Eve with friends was everything you'd imagine.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a photo of the balloon drop as I tightly held onto a scared Jay as his eyes welled up with tears watching kids push and shove each other closer to the balloons as they screamed 10... 9.... 8.... 7...... all while holding their hands above their heads in a dark room filled with disco lights and neon.
The poor kid must have thought we were entering the apocalypse.

So the extent of my New Years Eve 2018 consisted of finally wearing make-up and hair products after about 4 days without, a public Library party, reorganizing my toolbox, cleaning up puppy poop and replacing used pee pads in the garage, watching YouTube videos about an exciting organizational tool (coming soon to this blog- stay tuned!), and the night is still young!

 However, I have a funny feeling this is how we will all be feeling by 8:00-ish.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Bones, Skulls and Cremation

Poor Peter Rabbit has vacated the garage and all that remains is a partial jaw of a different victim lying sadly on the filthy, carpeted garage step.  

Fast forward as Mike taught Molly how to start a fire in the fireplace.  

Upon further inspection, I began to feel like a "Burb".  After the smoke alarm went off, an interesting odor emerged from the fireplace- like burnt hair.  Turns out a cremation for a deer skull left on the front porch earlier this week was taking place.  
Tomorrow I'll check for any dental remnants and keep ya posted.  

Meanwhile, if my body ever goes missing, check the fireplace first.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Mudroom Makeover

I finally had it with the mudroom.  
The chaos in this space was a complete buzz kill and I've been in desperate need of a buzz for several years now. 
Let me explain:
7 people stashing coats, jackets, boots, shoes, sandals, sports equipment, snow gear, swim gear, grow-into gear, and a large crate of various slime makings.

This is doesn't even touch dog supplies, random stuff that doesn't belong in a kitchen, bathroom or bedroom,  Plus we burn a lot of our trash which ends up in a pile on the mudroom rug in hopes of making it to the next fire.  

Friday night Mike got a burst of energy and took it out on the mudroom.  
I was tired...

This guy didn't feel like doing construction with me Saturday morning and farted something that smelled like a black snake firework.  On a positive note, it cleared the littles out of our workspace for a while.  

 Stay tuned for the finished product coming soon!

And if you're not aware of Osmo, Jay's Christmas gift has been a Godsend of a babysitter.  

Below, he and Maisie are working on Newtons Law.  Go figure.

The girls attended Neverland with Grandma at the Civic Center as their Christmas gift this year.  Aren't they fancy?

 And this was my gift from the dogs this afternoon. 
The poor thing was left gutted on the smoker in the garage. 
I love the way they remind me we'd never starve to death if worse came to worse...

Friday, December 28, 2018

Holiday Update

I know, I know.  I haven't posted in ages and haven't had the chance to share my deepest thoughts since...

Jay's new eye.  One of the weirdest experiences I've been through besides the Kansas City Ghost Hunt and childbirth. 

These 3 littles.  No explanation needed.

Our latest addition of an air fryer.  Because nothing screams healthy like air-fried Grands Biscuits?

My first born being himself.

Maisie completing her final performance of Scrooge...

And realizing her favorite thing was getting her hands on floral foam.  
Apparently, it's something she's always dreamed of playing with. 

My 3 Amigos trying Fried Ice Cream

One of my besties getting married... 

and attempting "The Dirty Dancing Lift" in her kitchen on their wedding night.

Ridiculous Cousin Living Room Dances

Christmas Eve anticipation

Christmas Day Buffets

As long as there are food photos, Gfunk lives.

And finally, the first meal I served when Ross had his girlfriend over for dinner.  Roast Beef Sundaes.  
She's 4-H and farm girl so this wasn't a new treat for her.

I was able to spend some really good one-on-one time with my first born today.  The roads were sketchy which meant we had lots of time together as we drove to Des Moines and back.  I love the fact he shares everything with me (appropriate or not).  I love the fact he trusts me with secrets.  I love that he asks me uncomfortable questions.  My gut knows he's 13 going on 31.  I pray he knows I will always be his home base... and I will always be his biggest fan.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Coon Dog Dreams

About 3 years ago, it started with this...

Ross watched this movie on Amazon and decided he wanted to be this boy, minus the bibs.  He's begged for a redbone coon pup to train and own ever since.  Last week he came to me with a photo of a coon dog pup he found online located in Iowa.  He explained he'd buy the dog and care for it himself, including food and vet bills.  His only Christmas wish was for us to grant him permission to buy it.  He was 5 months old and at a rescue shelter in Guthrie County.  

Well, you all know me when it comes to adoption...

Saturday morning Ross and I made the 2-1/2 hour drive north to meet the puppies at Stylin' Pooch Dog Rescue.  Ross couldn't sleep Friday night and was too nervous to eat Saturday morning.  He was so worried someone else would claim the pooch before we got there.  I told him these were the times you have to rely on faith.  This particular dog had a brother... and a sister- so there were options either way.  

We arrived 30 minutes early, and holy smokes was this place was RURAL.  There wasn't a gas station within 20 miles and needless to say I'd drank a thermos of coffee on the way.  Ross advised me to pee in the ditch and wipe with a tampon.  Smart kid.  So after he peed against the tire, he volunteered to keep a lookout as I drained my bladder in the ditch and wiped with cotton from a tampon.  I swear I'll forget many important moments of raising my children, but this is one I'm confident will engrave itself into my long-term memory.  

After meeting and playing with the dogs, Ross whispered he was 'kinda into the brother' of the one he originally wanted.  I reminded him to trust himself and pick the one he felt the most connection with.

Leaving the other brother and sister in the pen hurt.  But Ross reminded me, we can't save them all.  
And once again, my 13 year old grounded me.

Ross helped bathe the dog before we left.  

And these two bonded the entire way home.  I couldn't keep my eyes off the rearview mirror. 

We stopped in Des Moines to get his name tag engraved, food and bedding. 

And he waited patiently.  

Ross chose his name. 

And took Gunny and Goose for a walk around the property.  Goose could care less about the new addition.  Meanwhile, this 5-month-old pup cannot be outside alone and we don't have a kennel set up.  
He is not house trained yet so therefore....

this is me.....

Merry Christmas Ross!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Christmas Ornaments

Today we I, put up the tree.  The main focus always comes back to this skating rink. 
Ironic, if you ask me. 

Somehow I just KNOW she's smiling down on us.

So many of my Chrismas memories come back to G'funk.  So when my last surviving ornament of hers dropped off the tree, bumped into the clay art project and ricocheted off the craft stick phone frame ornament, I couldn't help but feel bummed.

These ornaments remind me of the days she'd sit in the chair handing us ornaments that were 'hooked' and ready to hang.  
Afterward, we'd throw (literally throw) tinsel on the tree with the blue lights while Grandma and Grandpa handed up more, set up the village, plaeyed a bit, then hoped she'd take us to Hardees for Frisco Burgers.  There were some special ornaments... ones from her mom (Grandma Cake) that were fragile and old.  She always put them at the top.  The topper was unique.  I can't even describe it.  But if I ever saw it again I pay full price to own it.  
Because of these memories, I'm able to move past the actual "things," tell the kids it's okay,  and appreciate the real memories.  

It's awfully hard to forget someone who gave us so much to remember.
By the way... the chocolate ornament tree is returning this year...