Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Bring on Summer!

Good golly.  Somehow or another, summer break has once again arrived.
This Mama still has 2 days of professional development left, but the kids have been done since Friday.
This photo was taken last Friday.  Mack was annoyed.  Ross was being a bully.  I was getting pissed. Molly's backpack zipper is busted so she's been 'making it work' with her hip and arm.  I didn't realize until later Jay wore a hole through the bottom of his shoe and he was practically wearing socks to school.  Molly is wearing the same shorts Maisie wore on the first day of school last fall.  Both girls are wearing matching shirts.  I'm somewhat oblivious, but it's working just fine.

Jay has discovered water fights.  He's more adventurous than Mack in regards to water and skin exposure.

I should probably look into some water guns instead of relying on the Gatorade bottles.

And then came the beach.  
When the temps dipped into the 100's last weekend, I knew these kids needed a little nature.
Jay held onto me like a baby monkey as I walked him into the water for the first time, scared to dip even his toes.
But before we knew it, he was comfortable as a minnow.
Mack and Ross took off on kayaks, so they were occupied for as long as their rowing could last.
I'm honestly wondering if the couple in the background were getting engaged?

Regardless, it was a standard public beach.  A little skanky and a dead fish and band-aid floating around in the area to the left.

And everyone knows swimming makes you 'starved', so I had a cooler packed with 9 peanut butter sandwiches, 5 single servings of beef jerky, 1 cup almonds, 9 Capri Suns, 12 waters, a jar of cocktail pickles, a jar of green and can of black olives and 8 string cheeses.
After 2 hours, it was gone.

Oh, and guess who just got accepted into grad school at Eastern Illinois University this fall?  

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

So Easy To Miss

As we inch closer and closer to another summer, I realize my kids are inching closer and closer OUT of childhood.  
Aside from the huge ball that thought puts in my throat, I can literally feel God screaming at me to Soak This Up!  
Before long, we'll be looking at colleges and putting down payments on apartments.  
As much as that thought makes me want to vomit, I've put my trust in God and have decided to live-it-up with my babes while I have them.  

I don't have a picture of Ross swinging the bat or catching a ball at this nail-biter against the top-rated Winterset team, (because honestly,  I was busy biting my nails).  
But I have this photo of him 'on deck'.
It's as good as it gets right now.
I'm trying harder to be present.

And the things we take for granted?  
Don't even get me started.
Jayson went to his FIRST friend birthday party Saturday afternoon.

And this little thing has been stealing my heart with her imagination these days.  
The bun, the shoes, the baby, the purse...the creeper van in the reflection of the many scenarios!

There are days I miss a concrete street...

But watching my little guy with a dandelion for the first time; 

or discovering his shadow; 

Seriously, the things we take for granted...

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Mother's Day Eve

On the eve of my 12th Mothers Day I can't help but reflect on where this life has led me.

If a persons center console is a reflection of their lifestyle, I'd have to agree with that.  Therefore, this is the current status of my lifestyle.

  • not just one, but TWO rescue bots
  • a random ceramic art bowl
  • a pencil with a broken tip (so it won't write)
  • Jay's bean seed he sprouted in library is in the ziplock bag on the right
  • Coffee.   There will ALWAYS be coffee.  And in a mug.  I hate coffee 'not in a mug'
  • a Tow Truck in a box kit, which was ultra-handy several times this winter.
  • a water bottle near my feet
  • a container of empty hand sanitizer
  • a Fareway receipt stained with lipstick from blotting my lips on the way to school each day
  • Mollys baseball AND soccer gear front and center
  • Jays lego kit for entertainment at Ross' games

And that's the front row. 
I have 3.

I have a daredevil proving to be the spitting image of her older brother.  
Daring, funny, sometimes too honest, stubborn, smart, fun and irresistible.
Pretty sure we've got our work cut our for us.

Today was also the day of Jay's first playdate.  
Like 'in his entire life'.
So here he is with Maisie's friend and Moo.
His friend was playing with Maisie.

Clearly, it was a ridiculously fun playdate at our house today.

I offered Casey's Pizza, but they preferred I make Fettuccini Alfredo.

So on this Mother's Day Eve, I'm giving thanks for the lifestyle, the awkwardness, the friends, the support, the health and mostly, 
the Grace.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Last weekend our littlest Boyd celebrated his first American Birthday. We didn't make a fuss, yet don't underestimate the significance of this milestone celebration for a second.  It was the first day of the year that actually FELT like spring. He couldn't find his suit, so the girls dressed him in a Mermaid short set for the first sprinkler run of the year.  He's  in love with Lego Juniors, Rescue Bots his Maisie and his Mama.

2 years ago I had no idea how badly our family needed this little guy.  Today, I can't imagine our lives without him.  
He's the marshmallow to our S'more.