Ross has wanted to farm for several years now.
For a 13-year-old, it's nearly a lifetime.
We put him out of his misery and have 2 goats waiting to join our fleet at the end of May.
But not without a fence...
Meet Willow
And Sky.
Aka: does
Aka: girl goats
Aka: will be bread biannually to have baby goats
Aka: Our Mama Goats
This girl is happy. She's also in headgear!
Each night is like tucking Darth Vader into bed, but oral beauty doesn't come cheap.
Meanwhile, I captured a photo of Maisie getting asked out online by her crush who goes to Indianola. If only there was a photography category at the county fair for that shot.
He told her he loved her in his second sentence. He's coming across slightly insecure and possessive, but whatever; they're 10.
Also, check out who gets to take Foods class this hexsemester!
Our latest Cafe was Mexican Street Tacos and made me wish we had done Lasagna.
WAY too hard with our set-up.
We made over $350- but lesson learned.
Meanwhile, Jayson knows how a rue and bechamel sauce are made.
I'm a proud mama.
And if Mack knew I took a photo of his art, he'd freak.
But I couldn't resist a shot of this still life he spent hours working on last weekend.
I cannot wait for the spring art show this year.
Lastly, we got a quick visit with Aunt Nicci who tried to show off her muscles.
The testosterone took off from there...