Saturday, September 29, 2018

Blessed Am I

Remember how she was practically mute throughout preschool and kindergarten?
Well, she signed herself up for cheerleading camp last Thursday and performed at the Friday night football game.  
Of course this was after a tearful entrance onto the track.  She had just dropped her new water bottle and it broke. Then she thought they had started without her and all the feelings built up into tears. Thankfully she doesn't wear mascara yet, AND the high school cheerleaders are in my Child Development class and are learning all about childhood emotions.  After hugs and encouragement from the cheerleaders, she was in back business.

Everyone... seriously, space out.

This is Molly screaming.  


If you haven't heard, Ross upgraded to a larger dirt bike.  
Of course this has his mama on edge, but watching the natural balance he has on a bike eases my mind... a little bit.

And I can't go to a Football Game without my camera; so here are this weeks highlights agains Earlham.

Protection from his best buddy Eli.

This is basically 'me' in the red.  Trying to keep him from growing up too fast.

Seriously, who is this man boy?

These two silhouettes bring my heart more joy than it could ever ask for.  
The makings of my very first family.
Blessed am I.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

7th Grade Football

Why do I still picture him like this?  
Yellow flags dangling from his waist.  
That awkward mouthguard we practically mutilated trying adjust. 
Dragging him to practice even though he hated it, until one day the game finally clicked for him.

Today he still wears blue... but without flags.  He's got big pads, cleats and a helmet.  He's #34 this year.  A Walter Peyton fan.  
He's also a bit of an animal on the field.

This is his Dirty Dancing 'lift' move.
Think you're gonna stop him?

Whoops, think again.

Yet every once in a while, he falls.
But my boy, being the fighter he is, doesn't hesitate for a second to pop-up when he's down.

He will always be a runner.. my prayer is he always feels our pride from the bleachers and is able to find the strength to stand up after each and every fall.