Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Junior Chef

This little sugar plum is on the verge of ELEVEN.

She's already mapped out the game plan for her birthday party.

And look who I have in my 1st hour exploratory....

I'm beginning to realize how advanced this girl is in the kitchen.
Watch out Food Network Junior, we've got a star on our hands.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Follow Your Dreams

Sugar Plum sang in her 2nd choir concert of 5th grade this week. 
The blue carpet and yellow tarp background would be perfect for a Swedish Culture Project, however, they do nothing to showcase the talent, performance, and enthusiasm these kids have.

The I-35 auditorium is under construction and until the time my girl is ready, the stage will await her arival.

Until that day, I pray she continues to follow her dreams, passions, and goals through her kindness, confidence, and grace.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Wedding Dance

Yesterday I went to a wedding of a girl I remember being a pre-teen.  
To say it was eye-opening is an understatement.  
I couldn't help but look at my own teenagers and pre-teens a little differently afterward.  
They're only ours for a short while before we have to let them go...

Our family had to be split between 2 tables.  

Which was okay with me as the open bar had my kids hyped on caffeine.

And then these two danced and all I could think of was the father-daughter dance these two will share someday. 
May they always remember the music, the purposeful steps, and the lights.

As for me, I'll always remember the smile on Mike's face, those braids, the gentleness of the twirls and love in his eyes.  
These two have my heart 100%

"I am a princess not because I have a prince
but because my Daddy is a King."