Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas Spirit

With only 3 days until Christmas, I still hadn't felt the spirit I crave this time of year.  I black Friday shopped, decorated the house, listened to the songs, hid the elf, watched the movies, filled the stockings, bought more gifts, drank more wine and baked more cookies.  

This afternoon I looked at my tree and realized it was naked.  So awkward.  For the first time ever, I tried to decorate my new tree in simple, color-coordinating, matching ornaments.  

It was fine.  

So this new tree of mine... I wanted something sleeker and easier to store during the remaining 11 months of the year.  I sold my old tree through Facebook Marketplace to a sketchy situation in Des Moines and introduced a 9-foot skinny tree to our home this year.  

The kids hate it.  

Ross actually had a friend over and the first thing he did was point out how dumb our tree looks this year.  

Bah Humbug.

Meanwhile, Mack is in full-swing with Basketball and seems to have found his team.
This year is going so much better than last in many ways and I'm proud to say his grades are all C's, B's and A's with no modifications.
And he’s number 0. 
Why someone would select to be zero is beyond me.  
Guess it's better than double-zero?

Maisie performed in her holiday choir concert and is in basketball.  
6th grade basketball is bringing back so many memories of stinky jerseys and awkward lay-ups.
So proud of her for trying something new.

And finally, Mike and I learned a work vehicle wasn't in the cards for this year.
This meant Mike bought a jeep and I'll take over the truck.

Introducing Mike's new ride for the next couple years.

And that's when I realized what was missing.
I tried so hard to make my Christmas tree look perfect, sleek and clean.  
It had zero personality.
No story.
Isn't that what Christmas is?
So I pulled out all the ornaments and filled the tree with all my favorites.  
My favorite memories of Christmas past, gifts from those we don't get to see on Christmas, stories of traditions, and the sprit of those who engraved Christmas so deeply in my heart.

And just like that... Christmas is finally here.

Thursday, December 12, 2019