Monday, October 5, 2020

Just To Show Our Love

This girl has become an emotional, hormonal basket case.  

Based on her genetics, I honestly expected nothing less.  

I just wasn't quite ready for it yet. 

Probably wouldn't ever be, if given the choice.

But as she bosses me around in the morning to brush her hair right, or help her find a "missing" backpack or scrunchy with tears welling in her eyes, I can't help but notice I can't reach the top of her head anymore for ponytails.  Her jeans fit a little different and she looks better in a bra than not.  

She's all over the board.  

A little pissed-off, a little soft, a little sensitive and a little cocky... all at the same time.  

But Cheerleading was a hit for her.  

And in case you couldn't make it, I'll share a couple highlight videos.  The games were freezing (one was raining with a serious wind child).  And she performed only sporadically depending on the football players.  But the smile on her face and glow in her cheeks made the numb fingers and frozen face completely worth it.

Oh the things we sit through to show our kids our love.