Sunday, September 12, 2021

Camera Practice

Dusting off my camera in hopes of capturing Mack's senior pictures this fall.  

I've forgotten so much, but it 's gradually coming back to me.  

So grateful I have cute and willing practice models to help me out!

Monday, September 6, 2021

Since School Started

Already feels like we've been in school since eternity however, we're packing and prepping for week 3.    
Maybe time goes slower when the classroom temperature is 92F?
Oh, bother.  

Meanwhile, Ross is officially 16.  
How lucky are we to get front-row seats to watch him grow into the man he is so quickly becoming.

Good news! 
 Molly has decided she isn't shy anymore.  
She brews a cup of coffee each morning and says it makes her chatty and not shy.  
I guess it must be kinda like going to a bar?

She's also recruited a few classmates (teacher kids) who arrive early to school to help work the Coffee shop.  
To clarify, this is not her normal face- it's her hyper-on coffee in the morning face.

She noticed the sunrise was beautiful on the way to school one morning and wanted to capture it.

We've begun breeding.  
Not us.. the goats. 
And Leo is NASTY.  Like, nastier than nasty, nasty.
According to Mike, our whole yard smells like goat cock.

We're actually in the process of selling him once we're done with him this fall.
He's just too gross for us.  (Not Mike, Leo)

Ross can't get enough of his little car.  
Can't say I blame him.

And I swear Molly picks up right where I leave off.  
She is busier than busy, LOVES 5th grade, loves her goats- maybe not the stinky one- and pretty much runs the household when I'm not home.

Maisie acts too cool for school and is growing up faster than I can blink.  

Yet I caught her watching Cinderella on Netflix TWICE today.  She's still my little SugarPlum.