Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Trick-Or-Treat night has ended.  Molly ate 20+ pieces of candy in less than 2 hours.  Ross is sitting in the living room eating a bowl of ice cream topped with caramel sauce and chocolate syrup, Maisie is crying that she didn't get dessert.  Huh?

We carved pumpkins last night.

This was my favorite one.

I tried my best to get a shot of the 3 kids together in their costumes.  But this was the best I could do.  They weren't into getting pictures taken tonight. 

See what I mean?

Quote of the night by Sugar Plum:
Me: "Hey darlin', did you have a good time tonight?"
Maisie: "yep"
Me: "What was your favorite part?"
Maisie: "Halloween"

Pretty much sums things up.

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