Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Doctor's Office

It’s always interesting visiting the Doctor’s office with 3 kids in tow.  I typically leave sweaty, pissed off, embarrassed and exhausted.  Yesterday was different.  While sitting in the waiting room, a mother with a 2 year old daughter struck up a conversation with me.

Her: “Man, your brave to bring 3 kids here, I can barely handle being here with 1.”
Me: “Ha, I’ve been in your shoes and trust me, 1 can be harder than 3.  Especially with a 2 year old.”
Her: “I don’t know.  Were done having kids.  One was enough for us.”

I could tell she was already feeling sweaty and embarrassed while trying to corral her daughter. I knew by the time she left the building, pissed off and exhausted would be added to her list of emotions.

Meanwhile, my children were running around the waiting room, knocking chairs out of place, doing flips, summersaults, cartwheels and giggling at the top of their lungs.  I didn’t get excited about it and actually encouraged them to run and play, thankful it wasn’t my house they were treating as a gymnasium.  At one point the receptionist looked over at me with a small smile.  I shrugged my shoulders and smiled back.  I couldn’t tell if she was annoyed or not, but I figured the activity might get our name called faster.

Once called into the exam room, a whole new area to explore opened up.  There were drawers to rearrange, hands to wash, books to look at, exam tables to jump from, swivel chairs to spin as fast as possible and blood pressure cuffs to examine.  Ross was doing side lunges as he expressed the need to stretch and really wished there was a place he could do the splits.

The sight of my kids being kids, the humor of it all, the gratitude that my kids were healthy…the whole thing quickly had me in hysterical-silent-laugh mode. 
Within minutes, Maisie had to pee and we all ran out of the exam room hunting for the nearest bathroom.  Once she was on the pot, I realized the bathroom was a “staff only” bathroom. 
Me: “Hurry Maisie, were not supposed to be in here!”
Ross: “I’ll keep an eye out and let you know if anyone’s coming.”
Me: “Faster, Maisie, faster!”
Maisie: “But I still feel wet…”
By this point you can imagine how the actual exam went.  It involved a black light (for a benign case of ringworm on Ross’ scalp), and dry ice (for wart removal). 
Yesterday was a riot.  You couldn’t have paid me to miss it…

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