Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pool Party

We celebrate Easter a little differently on the Green side of the's with a 'cousin pool party' at Adventureland Inn.  As we celebrate the arrival of Spring and new life, we praise God for the many blessings He continues to pour down upon us.  Here's a few of them...




Seriously, can life get any better?  Thank heaven for cousins.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Right of Passage

Before he was even born, I dreaded it.  Once the first one popped up, I knew it was inevitable.  Sure, he’s already lost bottom teeth but there’s just something about those top ones.

He has such tiny little teeth to start with.  Practically worn down to nubs, like tiny Indian corn kernels.  I blame it on all that “woo-chewing” as a youngster.  Don’t be concerned- ‘woo’ is a small security blanket with an Eyeore head sticking out the corner.   Ross couldn’t keep it out of his mouth.  It smelled worse than most body functions smell, but we don’t need to dwell on that. 

Sunday afternoon Ross was struck with severe tooth pain.  The tooth was loose and its time had come.



Meanwhile, Maisie practices drama in the background.

I felt nostalgic during our final moments with all his top teeth intact, so like any good mom I went straight for my camera to forever capture the moment.  Like a right of passage for all 7-10 year olds, he would be entering the next phase of childhood.   One I call, 'The awkward -face phase.'  His little corn kernel teeth would be leaving us, only to be replaced with chunky Chick-lits until his face has a chance to grow into them.
Suddenly, he will transform from my little boy, into a big kid with big teeth.

Oh who am I kidding, my little boy will always be my little boy, chunky teeth and all.

Monday, March 25, 2013


If we could sit down for a glass of wine; just the two of us….
We’d sit in the wicker chairs on the front porch.  It’d be late afternoon, the birds would be chirping and I’d set out some good cheese and those addictive seed crackers from Costco.   I’d pour wine in the Riedel glasses while the kids were busy playing and we’d have an entire conversation without interruption. 
I’d tell you how the house-selling-process was going and let you know we’ve had some interest.  No actual cash offers yet, but the feedback is coming back positively.  I’d tell you how it seems as soon as we put the sale sign in our yard, winter showed up.  I’d also tell you that the ground finally thawed enough to bury St. Joseph by the big rock under the sycamore.  I’d tell you how long it takes to clean and stage the house before each showing, but how fun it is to park my minivan two houses down the road during showings and 'stalk' potential home buyers and realtors.  I pack snacks for myself and pretend I’m a spy.  It’s the little things.

I’d top off our glasses and fill you in on my new job.  I’d tell you I don’t hate it, in fact I’m actually enjoying learning new things, meeting new people and building my confidence.  The person training me has been nothing but patient, kind and respectful through the entire transition.  From the day I walked into her cubical bawling, to the day she walked me through the difference between jpegs and pdf’s, she’s been a friend and mentor to me.  It’s been a crazy month, full of unpredictability.  On March 4th, a door I didn’t see closing slammed my fingers awfully hard.  However, each day since, more and more windows seem to open a little wider. 
Let me be the first to tell you, the fresh air is feeling mighty good.


Saturday, March 23, 2013


Ross got some new kicks last weekend.  As we headed up to the bootery on the square, he was pumped.  He's slightly particular about his shoes.  They've got to be tie shoes- velcro look sort of baby-ish.  He doesn't want any dorky colors on them either.  Oh, and they've got to be Nike's.  When we walked in, he was pretty sure he was still a size 1.  Upon measuring his foot, it was determined he was acutally a size 2!  This was a huge deal to him.
He picked out his favorite style but the smallest size they had was a 2.5. He tried them on, did a couple sprints around the perimeter of the store before deciding they were slippin' off his heal, just a teeny bit.
When the bootery owner said she could order a size 2 for him next week, Ross' face fell.  He wanted shoes THAT day; not next week.  We reviewed all the other styles on display one more time before deciding he really wanted the style he just tried on.  When the bootery owner went to order the shoes, she noticed that style had been discontinued.  Ross' face fell even more (if that was even possible).  All I could think of was Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day when Alexander's brothers got awesome shoes while Alexander got the dorky ones.
When I asked Ross what he wanted to do, he whispered in my ear he wanted to try on the 2.5's one more time.  As the bootery owner laced them up, Ross swore they were feeling much better this time.   I winked at the bootery owner as he ran the perimeter of the store before deciding they were actually the perfect size for him. 
As we walked out of the store with his brand new, black, size 2.5 Nike's, he looked up at me and said, "Thanks Mom", to which I replied, "No problem Ross, I wouldn't have missed this for the world"

Ross' new kicks

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Yesterday Ross told me he had a bump in his arm.  My inner-hypochondria began freaking as this didn’t sound normal to me.  That’s when he flexed his arm and told me his muscle was growing.

It all started early this week when he got the idea to start developing his 6-pack. 

Yep, he’s 7 years old. 

He began a rigorous routine consisting of 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, stretching and bicep curls both in the morning as well as after dinner.  Tuesday morning he only had time for 50 sit-ups at home but luckily he was able to complete the remaining 50 sit-ups in Grandma’s office before school started. 

Yep, he’s 7 years old. 

He told me his muscles will get even bigger once he starts running.  He’s quit eating dessert and opts for sugar snap peas, oatmeal and granola bars. 
I just can’t imagine where he gets his obsessive tendencies.  :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Growing Closer

Call it crazy, but nothing brings Mike and my marriage closer quite like a barfing child.  From the very first heave, Mike and I morph from Mike and Heidi, the people; into “Mi-Di” the barf-cleaning duo.  It always seems to happen at night and goes something like this.

Mike rushes to the scene first. The child is removed from the area and stripped.  Clothes, bedding, pillows and stuffed animals are hosed down in the tub and transferred into plastic bags.  If necessary, the Green Machine carpet cleaner makes its grand entrance at this point.  As one of us comforts and bathes the weak, frightened child, the other is retrieving the back-up Little Mermaid sheets and layering piles of towels over the freshly made bed for added protection.

Throughout the ordeal, Mike and I do not exchange words, make eye contact or engage in any form of communication.  We’ve entered what’s called, ‘the zone’.

I’m always relieved to watch puke land on solid surfaces verses a rug or carpet.  However, last week, barf landed on our 113 year old hardwood floor.  Have I mentioned the crack-size between the floorboards in that hardwood floor?  Have I mentioned you can see light through the floorboards in that hardwood floor?  As I hovered over the floor, wedging barf up from between floorboards with kabob skewer and mentioned to Mike that Molly actually did eat some ham at dinner; it was evident our marriage was growing like wild flowers.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bring it On

As it turns out, my camera didn't survive surgery.  On the up-side,  I got a new baby.  She's called, Nikon D7000.  She's just a newborn and were still getting to know each other.  Yet, I have a gut feeling were gonna get along just fine.  We stole some snip-it's of Friday afternoon  with the girls on the driveway...

I swear she is training to be a senior photography model.

I'm calling this "Vogue"

Her giggle steals my heart every time.
What I would give to see the world through her eyes.
Sure, I could have combed and styled her hair a little nicer; but that wouldn't have been my Mae Mae.

She did a jump (just for the fun of it)
When Molly realized bikes don't go by themselves...
She was pissed.
Ross had a buddy over to Grandma's for the afternoon.
They played just as little boys should.
That means they played hard and got really muddy.
Up at the cabin, we experimented with a new drink.  Using Maisie's favorite new word, it was "fabulous".  1/2 bottle ginger beer to 1-1/2 shots Templeton Rye.  Serve over ice on a Springy Feelin' Day. 
However, it may have led to Mike losing his balance and falling down a hill.  Oh how we love country livin'
Not to worry, he made it up just fine.
Our girls waited at the top of the hill for us.  We went back and grilled burgers on the porch.  Spring, I have 3 words for you...
 Bring It On.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Baby Kennedi

We got a new cousin in our family.  Her name is Kennedi Marie.  She looks exactly like her big sis, Grace. 
She’s joining into a crazy, energy-filled, giggly, loud, goofy extended family... the cousins are pretty fun too. 

If you ask me, she’s one lucky little babe.