Monday, March 25, 2013


If we could sit down for a glass of wine; just the two of us….
We’d sit in the wicker chairs on the front porch.  It’d be late afternoon, the birds would be chirping and I’d set out some good cheese and those addictive seed crackers from Costco.   I’d pour wine in the Riedel glasses while the kids were busy playing and we’d have an entire conversation without interruption. 
I’d tell you how the house-selling-process was going and let you know we’ve had some interest.  No actual cash offers yet, but the feedback is coming back positively.  I’d tell you how it seems as soon as we put the sale sign in our yard, winter showed up.  I’d also tell you that the ground finally thawed enough to bury St. Joseph by the big rock under the sycamore.  I’d tell you how long it takes to clean and stage the house before each showing, but how fun it is to park my minivan two houses down the road during showings and 'stalk' potential home buyers and realtors.  I pack snacks for myself and pretend I’m a spy.  It’s the little things.

I’d top off our glasses and fill you in on my new job.  I’d tell you I don’t hate it, in fact I’m actually enjoying learning new things, meeting new people and building my confidence.  The person training me has been nothing but patient, kind and respectful through the entire transition.  From the day I walked into her cubical bawling, to the day she walked me through the difference between jpegs and pdf’s, she’s been a friend and mentor to me.  It’s been a crazy month, full of unpredictability.  On March 4th, a door I didn’t see closing slammed my fingers awfully hard.  However, each day since, more and more windows seem to open a little wider. 
Let me be the first to tell you, the fresh air is feeling mighty good.


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