Friday, April 5, 2013

Grocery List

Maisie loves to write.  I know one day her handwriting will appear “trendy”.  She’ll end her sentences with smiley faces, and dot her ‘i’s with hearts.  Her words will be written in half-cursive/half-print and everything will look extra loopy and fun. 

Eventually her handwriting will become neat, tidy and professional, until the day she doesn’t have time to write ‘pretty’ anymore and her handwriting will look like chicken-scratch (aka; my handwriting these days).
Maisie helped me write a grocery list this week.  As I zoomed down isles at Fareway reading that list, I couldn’t help but admire the effort she put into writing her words and underlining most of mine.  She focused on her pencil grip while each letter was carefully formed with her tiny little fingers. 
I usually toss my grocery list in the trash after I check out at the register.   However, this time I decided to toss the list in my ‘keep forever’ box instead.

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