Friday, December 27, 2013

Friends Over Today

Ah, yes.  It's Christmas break and everyone's losing their minds.  I decided to be proactive and let the kids invite friends over for the afternoon.
Poor Moo is just to little to have friends over.  Yet Maisie's friends are always so kind to her.  I just learned today that Maisies' friend, Katie (below) has a 3-year-old sister and 4-year-old sister.  This could turn into something...
 Also, if you aren't up to date with PBS Kids on IPTV, there is a "Snow Engineer" program going on.  Basically, you create something out of snow, snap a picture of it, and email it to their studio.  Well, you know how we are regarding media publicity and I'm all over this.
Don't ask what happened to our Snowman's mouth, buttons, ears, or why his torso is much larger than his bottom. I had planned to make an 'upside-down-snowman', but the bottom we made was way to heavy for Ross and I to lift above chest-height.  Believe me, we tried and I pity those who drove by during the ordeal.  Sorry Toni Tindle.
Never-the-less, the above photo is our submittal to the station.  Keep your eyes peeled on PBS kids to find out if we were selected.  Fingers crossed.
The rock band...
Alphabet instruction...
and goofy smile.

I apologize there are no pictures of Ross and his guest.  They were busy shooting cap-guns (which were purchased at Ben Franklins earlier in the day) in the basement. 
I threatened him with his life if woke his sister whom had just crashed on the couch.  Little Moo had a tough afternoon.  No friend, then I found the girls had mistakenly left her alone in the fort (she doesn't know how to climb down), had to ride in the bike trailer smooshed between the big girls and then got her finger pinched in the mud-room door.   My heart went out to her. 
Lucky for us, we now have a wide selection of Band-Aids at our house.

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