Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Pine Wood

I know, I know, I should be packing and cleaning and sorting and on and on and on.  But Ross had Pinewood Derby last Sunday and he won second place... OVERALL!  Mike Ross worked super-hard on his car and managed to get the weights and axels just perfect to bring home not 1, but 2 trophies.  I don't really get how that worked, but whatever.  As G'funk would say, "more dust collectors"
The girls and I went home midway through the event because Maisie had pooped in her underwear 'just a little bit', and Molly's underwear were damp.  Plus the girls claimed to be 'hungry for Skittles' most of the time and it just wasn't working out.  Grandma Boyd came to the rescue and offered to stay home with the girls so I could go watch the finals.  Of course, I didn't think to grab my camera for the finals, so you'll have to use your imagination.
Ross' car tied with another car for second place.  They had to do a 'race-off'.  Ross paced the gym floor and looked as though he was on the verge of puking.  The suspense was killing him.
He won.
Ross' car below.  #202

Some hot bald guy in a Baconfest shirt ran the scoreboard. 
A pack of Wolf Scouts await the first round of races. 
Ross realizes his car is fast.  I couldn't believe he wore the holey knee jeans. 
He doesn't hide his excitement. He's a little bit like his dad.

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