Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My Kids' GGs' Sister

Because of this little firecracker....

We have these sparklers. 

Two of which would eventually grow into these hot mamas...

One had the fate of becoming my kids' GG, while the other had the privilege of being the one and only, 'Aunt Judy'.  Not only to me, but now to my kids as well.  The excitement and fun Aunt Judy brings goes way beyond her Rubbermaid tub of Minute To Win It Games.  The sheer announcement of her arrival brings the same squeals and joy that I remember from being a kid knowing we were going to see Aunt Judy.
Aunt Judy spent last Sunday with us.  She went to church with us, which is something only very brave people attempt to do.  As I held Ross in a headlock and twisted his ear to keep him quiet during the gospel, she didn't even flinch.  Now that's what I call a trooper.
After countless minute to win it games, hide-and-seek in the hedge maze, playing Rapunzel at Clarks tower, running around the playground, a water balloon fight, a Bohemian lunch of pork roast and dumplings, a trip to Frostie's for ice cream as well as showing her our future homestead, our day was officially complete. 
Wherever we go and whatever we do, I pray that the fireworks in our lives will always be there guide our way.

I have no words.

Maisie can only smile so long before she instinctively breaks into song.  'Let It Go"

Additionally, Aunt Judy got to witness Mike eat 4 locust bugs.  Alive.  Apparently they taste like nuts.  We took his word for it.
I captured this bad boy just as he was coming out of his shell.  Timing is everything.

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