Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Valentines Day Cards

I know it's pathetic, but I had several hoops to jump through this Valentines Day.  For one, Ross has a major crush on a girl in his class (incase you missed last weeks post). 
That little tidbit makes this Valentines Day extra tricky.  Of course he has to be very careful about what Valentine card he puts in Her Valentines Day box.  If it's too mushy she'll be creeped out.  If it's to boyish she'll think he's insensitive, if it's pink, purple or has hearts on it, he'll look like a girl, if it has Superheros or Disney characters he'll look like a baby.  He hasn't outright told me this, but I was once in Elementary School, so I know these things.
He and I stalked Pinterest for non-threatening, yet somewhat coolish cards to hand out.  Unfortunately, I don't have a decent printer or a Cricut machine which eliminated the majority of Pinterest ideas.  However, Ross decided it'd be best to make the messages the same on all cards.  He also decided a 'neutral color' would be appropriate and not too girly.
So, being the mom of the boy who hates crafts, I whipped out 25 of these bad boys (below).
The next project... a 3rd Grade Valentines Day Box.  I'm at a loss.  I'm praying they don't exchange Valentines Cards in Middle School.  I can't keep this up.  Right now the only box I can find for him is an empty Tampon box. 
Yep, I guess I'm that mom.

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