Wednesday, September 16, 2015


I'm beginning to think I've missed Maisies childhood calling for acting.  Had I known from the get-go this girl was gifted with such talent, I'd be a wealthy woman.
Her acting debuts usually revolve around food... "I'm huunnngrrry'"... it's becoming ridiculous and I'm growing concerned she may have tape worm.
However, Monday afternoon/evening, she threw us for a loop with her performance.  This time it wasn't about what she could eat. 
It was about pulling her tooth out. 
I've never been a fan of my kids losing baby teeth.  Not only does is age them once their permanent teeth come in; but it makes them look unfortunately awkward until their face grows into their big-people teeth. 
Oh, second grade.
Lets just say the process lasted over 2-1/2 hours.  There were tears, whining and drama to the hilt.
We'd all had our fill after hour 2.
At wits end, Mike grabbed Maisie by the arms to hold her back.  I yanked the tooth out while she kicked my throat with her free limbs and screamed as though she was being abducted. 
Lo and behold, the performance had ended and all was well.  We were left with this...
I've said it before and I'll say it again; I've got to get this girl in theater.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Grille !!! Maybe a UFC fighter is in the future !!! Throat kick .... The Worst ....
