Sunday, December 6, 2015


I remember Sunday's as being the worst day of the week.  It was a 'work-around-the-house, leftovers for lunch, homework finishing, messy hair, bored to tears, sweat pant-wearing day. 

Sometimes in the evening we'd get Dad to cut our hair at the barber shop. We'd usually end up folding towels and studying the Guinness Book of World Records book which sat on the magazine table in the barbershop.  The longest fingernail photo and tallest/shortest man in the world photo were my favorites.  This of course, was before 'Google' made it's entrance to society.

Today felt like one of those days.  It was a 'tried to sleep in, cloudy and cool, didn't shower till 1, steam mop the floors, baking cookies, catch up with laundry, clean out the litter box and sweep the garage' kind of day. 

Goose had a chance to show off his new pad...

While Molly got pissed at her jeep because the battery was dead and we couldn't find the charger.  Plus, the tires DO NOT work well on large rocks (aka: our driveway).
Oh Sunday.  You're one of a kind!

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