Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Snow Day 2

Were nearing the end of the second snow day in a row. 

My box of wine is drained, the couch has been peed on to the tune of "A River Runs Through It" the girls are currently sliding down the steps in a sleeping bag,  I succeeded in making a grilled cheese sandwich using frozen dinner rolls strategically shaped into bread slices  (we're out of bread)  We have anatomically correct/yet inappropriate snowman in the front yard complete with celery-leaf pubes and cherry valentines candy heart nipples, we spent our lunch hour scrolling through KCCI's 'Most Recently Arrested' slideshow while I begin analyze the statement,

"The days are long but the years are short".  Im confident the creator of that phrase had experience with snow days.

Yes, that's a carrot chode.

There isn't any snow or ice predicted for Thursday.  I think that's a good thing for everyone.

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