Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Casserole Unit

I incorporate a Casserole Unit into Foods 2.


Because Casseroles are nutritious, budget friendly, perfect for freezing, and great for taking to a neighbor who just had a baby or knee surgery.

Casseroles are a life skill and I teach life skills.  Therefore I teach a casserole unit.

First semester casseroles in Foods 2 were expensive and underdeveloped. 
Second semester was different.

Below is the email I sent to my Principal and Superintendent Thursday afternoon.

Heidi Boyd

AttachmentsMar 10 (2 days ago)
to Kevin, Steve
Good afternoon,
I want to share a couple photos of the Foods 2 Class donating 210 servings of meals to Freedom for Youth (a program for underprivileged kids in Madison County) this morning.  These students developed their recipes, adjusted the recipes to create enough servings and used groceries from the Food Pantry to do it.  This was an independent project and I am beyond proud of their effort and skills to pull this off.

Enjoy the attached photos,

My principal forwarded the email to the I-35-6-12 grade teachers with the message, "Too good to not share."

These are my kids making a difference in the lives of others.
Isn't that the point?

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