Monday, August 1, 2016

Sandy Butt Cracks

Mike and I decided to haul the kids 75 minutes north to Ledges State Park Sunday.  I warned the kids not to run on the trails because you could fall and die. 
That always gets their attention.

However, the moment Ross saw how steep some of the trails were, he took off like Mowgli from the Jungle Book and had no time for the rest of us.

Maisie turned into a little animal-girl and did a good job of keeping up with Mowgli.  She often told me she felt like a monkey and her armpits were even itchy, so that just make her feel even more like a monkey. 

Molly thought falling down the paths was hilarious.  My favorite mental image of the day was Mike holding her hand down the steepest path as her body left the ground and twisted around like a puppet.  She was laughing hysterically.  Eventually she slid down the rest of the path on her butt like a waterslide.  My second favorite memory of the day was when she explained how much sand was stuck in her butt crack. 

Sorry I don't have any photos of the actual hiking and water play, I didn't think bringing my camera was safe.  However, I took a couple shots on the way home with my phone.

These are my people.  Dirty, sandy, exhausted and hot.
I must have been born under a lucky star...

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