Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Sick Boy

I had dreams of Mack last night.  He was crying in all of them and I was trying to figure out how to comfort him...

Mack woke this morning with a fever, chills, sweats, tears and headache.  I guess sometimes, somehow, a mom just subconsciously 'knows'...

Mike stayed home with him today (bless his heart-- especially knowing the stool sample has yet to be collected--).  Mike picked up Macks laptop from my classroom today and walked into my class just as we were discussing Braxton Hicks in Child Development.  Gave me a good chance to introduce my babies' daddy during our pregnancy unit.

I came home from school to Mack still sweat, hot, hurting and sad.  He layed in his bed with dry lips, sweat and glistening Asian skin.  My heart breaks for him.  I feel my biological kids are SO spoiled.  Mack has obviously been sick before.  However, I can't help but hurt knowing he spent the last 8+ years sick alone...

I'm hoping my attempts at bringing him ice water, asking what he needs, if he want's some Sprite, kissing his forehead, taking his temperature, wiping his face with cool cloths, sticking his Ipod under his pillow, making Google Translate 'speak' the questions so he doesn't have to open his eyes will give him some comfort knowing his mama is there.  Time will tell and tomorrow is a new day, but today his Ipod sits empty and my boy is sick due to a doctor appointment I scheduled.

Meanwhile, the stool sample kit sits in waiting...

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