Monday, October 10, 2016

Us Country Bumpkins

I'm a little behind with pictures.  These were actually taken over a week ago when GG and Papa came for a visit.  No, we haven't moved into a red trailer, Mike got himself a couple storage containers to hold some of his cargo.  We're classy like that.

My little fashion queen strikes a pose.  Wrist brace an' all.

Meanwhile, this is how us country-folk entertain ourselves on Saturday nights.  We don't get out much.

That's probably a good thing.

My fire building fans...

And Mack seems to be a natural out here.  We need to get that boy some boots.

Luckily for us, Aunt Kelly has a knack for knitting.  She's passing it on to Maisie, who is already way beyond her mamas knitting skills.

It's an American Girl Doll pot holder!

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