Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Christmas 2016, Take 1

We drove our new conversion van (aka: 'Olaf') to Eastern Iowa Saturday for the Green family Christmas. Snow flakes were flying and Talk Radio was the background music. Christmas was thick in the air. Did I mention we also pulled a trailer? Yeah, of course we did because Mike decided to buy a fancy 4-wheeler from Moline Saturday and needed a way to get it home. Tis the Season.

Cookies needed to be decorated, piping bags were hot commodity and the frosting was going fast.

Sprinkles too.

One week prior to the festivities, GG informed me Papa bought a massage chair on a whim.  Apparently, Christmas is in full swing throughout the entire state.

It's as though Mack's always been a part of this crew.

Dad even helped me finish a few Christmas Gifts which will be arriving from the North Pole...

1-12... look what we've done!

This is what Mack thinks of me taking pictures of him in the snow.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

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