Friday, March 10, 2017

Crutches, Cupcake Wars and Literacy Night

A couple weeks ago, Molly began limping.  At the mall, school, everywhere. And the owie leg was consistently the same leg.  Of course my mind played all sorts of tricks on me and I feared the worse.  I scheduled a doctor appointment to rule out anything serious. 
So me, being a secret undercover agent, plotted to spy on her during P.E. the day of the appointment.  Now I realize how important crutches, wheelchairs and braces are to young girls, but seriously this girl was quite the convincer!

She was the fastest runner in the class.  I cancelled the appointment immediately.  When I told her we weren't headed to the doctor after school, the tears began to fall.  She just REALLY wanted some crutches.  Which is how I ended up in the front yard after school gathering symmetrical branches and cutting up an old bed skirt to cover them in.  Mailing tape finished 'em off.  Maisie models the crutches below in a Tiny Tim pose. 

Trash to Treasure... I think so.

Yeah, I think she'll make it.

In other news, it's Cake Wars Time in Foods 2!!!

Celebrating that they didn't get last place.

Meanwhile, our school held Literacy Night Thursday night, complete with a Chad Elliott concert. Which was awesome!  Of course for the photo op booth, Ross posed in a way to light a fart on fire. 
This is my life.

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