Thursday, September 14, 2017

My Little Indian

It's no secret, this boy has always had a sweet spot for Mother Nature.  
Looking back at these photos makes me remember how intense and passionate he is when it comes to outdoors and storage boxes.
It also makes me realize I need to switch back to using my good camera instead of my phone, but that's for another post.

Ross and Mack have developed a fondness for fishing.  When I told Ross he was becoming quite the fisherman, he responded, "Fishing's actually pretty fun". 

Having a cool tackle box from Uncle Donn doesn't hurt either.

The I-35 School district doesn't have air conditioning.  Therefore on Thursday, there was a 2-hour early out due to heat.  Ross spent the afternoon at the pond where he caught these 3 bad boys for dinner.
He swears it was the new $3 lure he bought at Fickes Hardware store in St. Charles with some birthday money.  Apparently it smells like raspberries and was the secret weapon to snagging them.

Regardless of how nasty his hands smell and the fact that he carried these 3 fish, dripping wet into the living room to show me his catch, he always has, and he always will, have my heart in a way unlike anyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget all those dinosaur bones he unearthed a few years ago. ;-)
