Sunday, October 15, 2017

2017 Champions

This fall, Ross left the Winterset Football team he spent the past 2 years playing for to become a Roadrunner.
Today, his Roadrunner Team won the district SuperBowl.  

My Ross is not a big guy, but he's smart, fast, aggressive and has an endless supply of energy.  
I'm in love with #33.

 Just one of Ross' victims.  
Go Roadrunners!

I am not taking a picture of the coach's butt, I'm nailing a photo of Ross trying to snag another yard! Swear.

 Ross absolutely loves playing defense.  A position he didn't get to play in Winterset. Although it means he plays THE ENTIRE GAME, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have it any other way.  Apparently the kid with the ball told Ross, "I'm gonna f%$*k you up". 
Ross gave him a killer smile before nailing him to the turf after the hike.

Run Baby Run!

Superbowl Champs.  
Best game in all the land today.

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