Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Coon

MOM!  Get up... I'm hungry!

I've gotten used to being woken up lately.
And it's not just these two snuggle bugs.

Ross has started a new career path.  He wants to trap.  Not just any animal.  
For the fur.
To make Coon Skin Hats.
To sell at Covered Bridge Fest in October.
College isn't cheap people.

He sets his trap before bed each night.
Then, wakes Mike to 'get the gun' incase there's a coon before he heads out each morning.

And on Tuesday morning, he had a bite.
Sure enough, a coon was caught in the trap.  But the coon pulled it out of the ground and was running through the woods with a trap on his foot!

As I was round-brushing my hair for school, (a little pissed I was woken before my alarm for the gun request). I heard a panicked pounding and yelling at the front door.
Lo and behold, it was my first born telling me he needed Goose.  His brand new trap was running around the woods stuck on a coon foot.  
He needed his tracking dog.

Below (Ross on the right side... Coon on the left).  They don't see each other.  
5:15 a.m.

The coon found safety under some tree roots in a hillside.
Meanwhile, Goose went Ape-Shit.
Needless to say, Ross was going to be late for school today.

Eventually Goose rangled the coon out of the hole, wrestled it down a hill and the two were in a battle.
Goose was clearly ready to protect His Ross at all costs.
Until Mike showed up with 2 shots to the coons head.
I was ready with crunchy peanut butter sandwiches at the mudroom to reward Goose's efforts to protect my boy during the struggle. 

But he was scared.
Gun shots freak him out each time.

Which is the only reason I allow him into the mudroom (on the rug) to settle his nerves  
And seriously, look at all those opportunities!
Yet, he doesn't even make an attempt.  
He just needs a safe spot.

It sort of makes me want to make him a plate of bacon.  
But there's no time...

And on-top of it,
They take his hunt.

Skinning his first coon before school Tuesday morning.  
Seriously, someone pinch me. 

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