Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Paranormal Weekend

When Mike and I started talking about getting away for Spring Break in March, he recalled an Expedia advertisement for a haunted winery in Missouri which also happened to be featured on Ghost Hunters a few years back.  He knew it'd be right up my alley.
I checked out the website and learned they offer Paranormal Investigations.  
I went straight to the "Book My Investigation" link to learn they were completely booked until June.  Although bummed for Spring Break, we booked tickets for June.  I decided then and there, this NEEDED to be on my bucket list... along with a visit to a Medium, but that's for another day.

Once at the winery (4 hours early), we ran into a couple young ladies who frequently visited the haunted property.  When they learned we had tickets to the paranormal investigation, they offered to sneak us into some of the buildings early.  This was strictly frowned upon by management, but we were living on the edge.

This room was totally dark.  The only reason it looks bright is the flash from my camera.

The blood tub.

I'd never seen so many busted toilets in my life.

Again, I was shooting my camera into darkness hoping for a shadow, an orb, a figure- anything!

In the below shot, Mike is standing in front of a bathroom known to be guarded by "an aggressive man spirit."  It's in the old morgue.

I took my chances and joined him by the 'aggressive man' bathroom.
What's that on his leg?  
I have no clue?

On our private preview tour, we heard something scattering away in the old hospital (like a coon running off).  Other than that, although creepy and gross, was quiet.
So we went for snacks to await our 8:00-1:00 am. appointment with the paranormal.
We also had drinks with our snacks... clearly.

Our first hour was spent in the old children orphanage.  We used paranormal tools and some words and flashlights seriously responded to questions we asked. 
I was a confident believer after about 30 seconds of the investigation.

However, Mike was a skeptic and I was fine with that.  
That fact that he took me on a ghost adventure that was clearly 'right up my alley' - and not his...
was like honey to my soul.

Do you see something down this hall??

While sipping coffee at Duncan Donuts the next morning waiting for our bowels to wake, we contemplated what to do that day.  Granted, it was already noon.  There was some abandoned ship exhibit, an old bank that was robbed in the 1800's, downtown Kansas City shopping...that's when I spied it.  A Zipline and Tree Top Obstacle Course in Kansas City!  The next opening was at 1:30- we could be there to get harnessed in by 1:00 if we left immediately.
So off we went...

Again, not EXACTLY what Mike had in mind, but Good Lord, was it awesome!  I'd never regretted NOT wearing a sportsbra so much in my life.  It was hot.  It was scary, it was challenging, my heart raced with fear and exhaustion.  I was covered with mulch.  I wish I'd had photos, but I wasn't about to take my phone with me. So I'll keep the visual memories safely tucked away in my mind and encourage anyone with the opportunity to do a GoApe Adventure any chance you can.

We lived the rest of the weekend up with fancy drinks, charcuterie plates, international cheeses and balsamic glazes.

And when we were tired of ordering fancy dishes, we swung through the Walmart Cheese Section for bedtime snacks.


The next morning was filled with 'Dressing my Ken Doll' at Kohls.  
This is the life folks. 
If you even KNEW how much Kohls Cash I have right now...

But yet again, none of our adventures are complete without the knowledge that our perfect adventure is awaiting us in a shady home with a black dog on Hickory Ridge Road.

An Endless Sleepover with your Favorite Weirdo

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