Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The End of My Rope

We've reached the point in the summer where I actually fed Molly lunch like a baby bird.
It was to prevent a complete meltdown and I was at the end of my rope.  

 I did my best to made realistic regurgitating sounds and facial motions to mimic a mother bird.  There were a few 'tweets' thrown in for effect too.
Maisie took photos to capture my new low point of motherhood.

I can'r help but imagine what must go through Mack's mind during the days around here.

Since school starts next week and the girls both had dirty toe nails, weapon-like fingernails and waxy ears, I decided to turn the bathroom into a salon.
You can see the classiness of this salon by the fancy neck rest and foot bath.  Aka: Ross' baby bath from Mercy Hospital 13 years ago.

Tomorrow morning at 7:45 my summer break officially ends.  

Cheers to me!  
I made it.

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