Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Goat Show 2019

If you told me a year ago Molly and I'd be spending over an hour in a goat barn waiting for a storm to ride out, I'd think you were full of it.

Yet here we are folks.

Naturally, Ross was running around in the rain with friends during the storm, which left Molly and me trapped in the barn with each other and meat goats.
SO grateful goats don't stink.

 My boy has been itching to show an animal at a fair for as long as I can remember.  
More specifically, since he decided he liked Ally last summer. 

Guess today was his lucky day.

There wasn't much prep work as far as Willow went.  
(Don't get me started on what was required around our yard to house goats and keep them alive) Another story; another time.

I observed many 4-H'ers trimming hooves, shaving fur around feet and a-holes, bobbing tails, one appeared to have a tampon string hanging out (according to Molly - don't ask) and some even brought an entire car-wash/shop vac type system for preshow prep.  
The various clippers, blowers, brushes, sprays, and foams were mesmerizing and although the goats were harnessed up by their necks for this exquisite treatment, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous of the spa treatment.  
Willow seemed so naked compared to some of the fancy Boer goats getting pampered out there.  
Were such rookies.

There were only 5 goats in the Novelty Section.  
3 belonged to the family we bought Willow from.  
They were awarded Champion and Reserve.  
Fortunately, it was Willows' mom and sister, so we got good DNA!
Willow and Ross earned a blue and the recommendation was to beef her up a bit.
Bring on the Grain and Hay peeps!

At the end of the day, Ross can say he's shown a goat at the fair. 
He'll know more next year.  
He'll be more confident and able to help show the little ones how it's done.
What more could this mama want?

In the meantime, I'll be returning the fancy cowboy shirt he insisted on.  
Turns out he just needed a 4-H t-shirt.  
Feeling thankful I didn't fall for the $150 cowboy boot request he thought he needed as well.

For the 5-1/2 minute video of this event, click the link.

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