Tuesday, October 1, 2019


My white boys is out of his cast. 

He's using his drivers permit to haul the family to school each day in the big white van with two feet and a pillow.  I've noticed how many local kids wait and wave at our van each morning along our route and have decided to buy candy to throw out the window each morning from here on out.  Why not make the van a candyvan?

Life's all about modifiyng the ideal to fit your needs.  The crutches weren't working.  The stoppers on the bottom wore out leading him to slip and fall in the halls.
  No Bueno.  
He's going without his cruches and seems to be a lot safer.  He did call me from the band room this afternoon during a tornado warning taking place during a volleyball game after school, but that's another story.  
In about 6 weeks his pins will come out and we'll begin physical therapy.

Speaking of therapy, Jays speech therapy is going well and he recently learned about the word, anticipate. 
 In fact, he has come to anticipate McDonalds each Monday after therapy.
His brothers and sisters don't seem to mind...


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