Sunday, November 10, 2019

Prom Dresses, Mack, Basketball and 4-H

Apparently I blinked and Maisie fit into my prom dress.  

"The days are long but the years are short" couldn't be more accurate.

Tomorrow, the 11th, Mack legally becomes 17.
He and I have been spending more time together and while shopping he almost talked me into buying hi-top converse shoes for myself.
I ended up with low-tops instead. 
But it was close.
This kid dresses to the nines and has a style only Mack Boyd, can pull off.
He's so likable, so normal, so smart, so social- 
I still don't understand how God chose US for HIM 3 years ago.

He participated in the Iron Man Volleyball Fundraiser Friday night.  Apparently, he was the designated 'setter', cause he was kinda the best.

Mack with his sophomore class friends.

Maisie is going out her her first sport ever this season, middle school basketball.  
And Mack is dong JV basketball.  Sounds like the racist coach won't be coaching this year.  
I sing a Hallelujah.

Jayson is a Lucky Clover in Winterset.  Tonight was his first official 4-H meeting.  There was a lesson on manners and etiquette, followed by DIY catapults!  The meetings are in the church Molly was baptized if the scenery rings a bell.  

Ross will have his cast removed Friday and we'll move onto whatever is next.
He assures me he'll be doing 3 wrestling meets in January.  
Over my dead body.

Meanwhile, this guy and I keep on truckin'.

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