Saturday, August 15, 2020

Yard Work

Ever since last weeks storm, Molly has been itching to get outside and do some yard work.  

Once she got the hang of gathering branches, loading them onto the mule, driving them to the burn pile, unloading them, and repeating the process over, and over again, she told Jayson he needed to get outside and help out.

I could overhear Molly encouraging Jayson throughout the process. 
"Wow Jayson, you're SO strong!" 
"You are REALLY good at yard work Jayson." 
All I could think of was what a great big sister she is.

In other news, Ross is dealing with sore feet and ankles due to football practices.  He's had a couple days off to rest and I've been forcing him to ice them each day at least once.  

I'm hoping he'll be good as new for practice Monday.  
I'm also hoping he washes his hands.

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