Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Our Herd

Well if this isn't the most adorable thing I've seen in a while, I don't know what is.

She's the only 7th grade cheerleader, but based on her current TicTok moves, this girl will have no issues learning the cheerleader groove.

This little rascal celebrated his 15th birthday with his best buddy.  
We ended up going to the Mexican Restaurant in Osceola.  Mack brought his friend along as well.  

There were only a few jokes about the white boy in the big Sombraro surrounded by Guatemalans.  

Jayson encouraged me to test out the new 'portrait mode' settings on my phone and taught me about the different light and focus modes.  
Each of us are demonstrating our fake smiles in this shot.

And then there's this girl and her herd...
Some days I feel I can relate.

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