Sunday, November 29, 2020

Surprises and Gratitude

The older you get, the fewer surprises there are.

Which is why this photo taken 5 minutes before Jasper arrived is filled with so much anticipation (on my part)

Insert the Facebook Video here (which is accessible through Facebook)

And then I watched Molly turn into a little mother... again.

He LOVES bath time which makes this psycho cleaning mama very happy.

The first makeshift playpen was made from refrigerator racks and plastic bins from the Food Bank.
The cushions of the couch worked as "place holders"
I think that "Trash To Treasure" Mississippi Valley Fair Exhibit in the 90's with the empty pop bottle got my juices flowing on the creativity front.

We celebrated our new pup by taking him to the bar with the kids for dinner.
Jayson found a gambling arcade game and won 40 tickets- which ended up being worth $40.
He paid our bar tab for the night.

There was karaoke in the event room (where we held a fundraiser for Jayson- dueling pianos)
Molly wasn't impressed with the singing.

And we celebrated Thanksgiving with Crab Legs at Grandma and Papa's house.  
They were as delicious as could be and I can't wait to carry on the crab leg tradition next year - and maybe Christmas... and Easter...

As tradition goes, my tree goes up on Black Friday and comes down on December 26th STAT.
If he isn't the cutest little elf, I don't know who is.

Not only has Jasper been to the bar, but he loves car rides!  He's went to Bomgars and pissed in the dog treat isle.
Speaking of that- he's nearly potty trained and comes when he's called.
He's super smart- was probably a breast fed baby ;)

My invention was moved behind the couch when I decided I wanted my living room back. This one is remodeled to include his kennel, which I don't think he's terrified of anymore after I caught him napping in it this morning.  With my slipper... and a flip flop.. and a sock.

Facebook worthy photo...

And this one not so much.

Life is getting more and more interesting by the day around here.  
Having this guy by my side makes life not only do-able, but absolutely perfect.
I am so grateful.

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