Sunday, July 25, 2021

Food Science Summer Goals

The scientist in me has been begging for attention.  

She can be time-consuming, frustrating and expensive, but I'm especially fond of her.

Let's talk Summer Goals.

For me, perfecting homemade pizza crust was one.  I had 3 recipes I wanted to experiment with.  2 used 00% flour.  Definitely not the easiest ingredient to find.  

One used dried milk powder- usual, but it kinda makes sense.  One was in Bakers Percentages- annoying, but fine.  

And the 3rd was a store bought mix used by a local pizza place.

It made 5 pizzas.  2 from each scratch recipe, and one from the store bought mix.
Here we go!

Thankfully I had help topping these puppies.

The final consensus? 
 It was split. Naturally.
Next time I need to do the exact same toppings on each crust.  
Duh me.
Guess that just means we'll have to make homemade pizza again ;)

But the crazy scientist in me wasn't done yet.
There was still Boba.  Aka: Bubble Tea.

I hit the Asian Market in Downtown Des Moines after bopping into the Vital Records Department at the Lucas Building to apply for Jays Birth Certificate. 
And there, I was able to find tapioca pearls to attempt this Boba feat from scratch- the Asian Market, not the Vital Records Dept.

The Boba didn't turn out exactly like I wanted. They were a little doughy and needed more "popping, bursting action." 
So I gave up and now Strawberry Flavored, Bursting Boba are on their way from Amazon.  
Maisie is super excited- it's a TicTok thing.

And it doesn't stop there.
Stay tuned for updates on the 'sourdough starter' I've been feeding twice a day for the past 6 days.
It's alive and thriving!

Little Miss Scientist seems to be feeling the same way.

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