Friday, August 20, 2021

The Trip

We looked so forward to this trip, not knowing exactly what to expect, but hoping for the best.  

It didn't disappoint.  

There are few times in life you feel like a movie star.  This was one of them...

For starters, everyone kept referring to me as Jennifer Lawrence throughout the duration of the trip.  The head guy of Delta even asked me to take my mask down during business meeting introductions to show my face.  

I'm not mad about it. 

However, it was evident I have aged as I found myself taking photos of the food.  

I know.  Such a G'funk move.

And these are just the ones I remembered capture. 

Caesar Salad lunch at the Denver Airport heading out.

Paella with Beef, Chicken and Seafood

Eggs Benedict with Elk Sausage

Avocado Toast

Ham, Gazpacho, Roasted Vegetables, Blue Cheese Potatoes and Blueberry Vinaigrette and Salad

Ribs, BBQ Pork, Southwest Salad and Bread Pudding.  This was after the tuna tartar and elk tartar.  
Did you know tartar means raw?

There as also hiking to see the history of the rocks.

And without kids, there were naturally a lot of Mike and Heidi Photos.

The view from the deck of our room.

We had a delay in Grand Junction which meant we missed our flight out of Denver.  
What to do when you're stuck in an airport for 5-1/2 hours.

We found a couple spots to hang for a while.

And when I'm crazy-busy running around like a lunatic once school starts up Monday, I'll be able to close my eyes and remember there are moments, and places like 

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