Monday, July 18, 2022

Hot July

We've reached the sticky part of summer where everyone decides they're bored.  

The July humidity has settled in, the yard is thick with baby toads, spiders and chiggers, everyone is tan and day-long grazing is in full swing.  Maisie figured out how to make Chick-fil-A sauce, Ross has taken up fishing, Jayson fixed my hacked Facebook account for me and Molly screamed for her life after seeing a mouse as we scooped out the goat shed for the final time.  

Mack's wisdom teeth are out and the poor guy is either healing slowly, or he's milking deliveries of food and meds to him in bed every 3 hours.  I don't think I'll ever forget spoon-feeding him a banana smoothie in the Aldi's parking lot after his surgery.  Totally took me back to my CNA days at the nursing home.

He's making plans to move out in less than a month and I couldn't be happier or more excited for him.  Over the past 6 years, we got to watch him grow, mature, and thrive under unusual circumstances. 

He's already exceeded my expectations and I know he's far from done.

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