Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Friday Night Lights

Who would've guessed our shy little Moo would be our social butterfly. 

Last week was the pink-out football game at the school and look who's looking pretty in pink.  

It's no secret football has nothing to do with Friday night lights in 6th grade.

These are the days you feel your first moments of independence. Where you hear all the classmate drama, smell the overpowering smell of grilled hamburgers in the air, feel your toes and fingers may freeze brittle and break, yet know you have a $10 bill stashed in your phone case to blow at the concession stand. 

Oh goodness, these are the days...  

And in true Maisie fashion, she had ZERO interest in being at a football game on a cold Friday night.  

She makes a great chauffeur though, and a happy one as long as she has her music in her ears!

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