Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Spring Has Sprung

And time marches on...

Mack has a new job, a new apartment in May, luxurious jet black locks and a maturity level I can only hope to someday achieve. Jayson can't get the meat out of crab legs without help, miraculously fixed my broken Roomba, will be impersonating the inventor of the first digital computer for the 5th Grade Wax Museum project and needs a haircut and nail trim asap. Molly continues to run the household. She moved the truck off the driveway so she could ride her bike on the pavement, paid bills with the credit card for me, went into Dollar General to buy Jayson's trifold poster board for the wax museum, (she wouldn't let me to go inside because I was wearing two different colored left foot slide sandals) and is planning to go out for cross country in the fall. Maisie is almost 15 going on 25, can do eye make-up and bang tendrils like nobodies business (except for the curling iron burn on the side of her neck which is NOT a hickey), is constantly working on her abs and drives the 2 littles to school everyday. Ross is still working full-time at Target, gets complimentary notes in the mail from his managers for his hustle and work ethic and will be registering for fall classes at DMACC next week for the HVAC program. Mike looks a tad aggressive in the photo, but he DID have an active case of ring worm forming on his palm which is currently being treated- so no concerns or prayers necessary.

Instead of writing my grocery list each day, I just keep a list on the kitchen chalkboard and snap a photo before I head into work. Someday I can look back and say, Hey, in April 2023, these are the things I was shopping for. Someday I hope our list looks a little less 'school-lunch-program.' 

Did I mention Molly likes to be the 'care-taker'?  First of all, if you haven't adopted Gochuchang Sauce in your condiment fridge, you totally should. Not only is it fun to say, it's fun to eat and our Jay loves it- on everything. Except when the sauce doesn't come out, you squeeze too hard and a giant blob comes out. 
But as you can see, Molly is constantly watching over him and making sure he is happy and cared for.
She's going to be an awesome mom someday. 

And last but not least, were putting in an above ground pool! 
Molly and Mike sat around a fire (which is the center of the where the pool will be) after a ginormous stump was removed (by us on a Sunday morning which included a tractor, winch, 2 cables (one broke in process) chains, and shovels. 

These two loves are talking about who knows what. 
I snapped this photo from inside the house- which is why it's so blurry.
I came inside early because I had a stomachache when I was out by the fire with them.
I had no choice but to poop by a tree.
Jasper ate it and everyone was disgusted and left- except of Molly and Mike.
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

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