Wednesday, June 27, 2018

End of Little League

Incase you were not aware, I've always had a 'thing' for baseball.  Not boring TV baseball, but baseball with players I actually know or even share my towels and toilet paper with.  Players who subtly listen for my voice in the crowd, yet slightly cringe if I'm too obvious.  Players who want to 'warm-up' with me in the front yard before the championship game and take my advise, because for some bizarre reason, it sorta works.  I warm up with him in the itchy grass and think of all the chigger bites I'm going to get.  And when he overthrows the ball, I chase after it.  I do it again and again, not only because I can, but because he asked me.  
Besides, that's what mom's do.

Maybe it's nostalgia from Long Grove little league days.  They days where Mom 'warmed-us-up' in the backyard before each game.  The days where we ate barbecue rib microwaveable sandwiches from Sams Club after warming up so we wouldn't be starving on the field.  The days where we had a case of Snapple and a huge box of Blue Raspberry Blow Pops in the basement.  Where a glass of pop was 50 cents and a lolly sucker was 10 cents in the concession stand.  Where you didn't wear cleats, have your own helmet or have fancy bats.  
Just lots of bug spray and tennis shoes.

So when Ross finally decided to give baseball a shot this summer, I was secretly pumped.

He got on a team with experienced players.  They had awesome pitchers and catchers, and if town ball taught me anything, it's that you can win a lot of trophy's with a good pitcher and catcher.
So they made it to the championship.
However, the game was stopped in the 4th inning for a sudden downpour.

During the rain wait, Ross devoured a plate of nachos in the dugout.  
 We waited for the rain to stop, yet the forecast looked at through we may see a hurricane at any moment

The remaining 2 innings were made up the next night, and they won!  
Which meant they needed to play another game for the actual Championship game.  You have to lose twice to be eliminated.
The second game started, but once again got rained out in the 4th inning.
The championship would take place the next night.
Everything was soaked.

And as soon as we arrived at the ball diamond, Molly lost a rubberband to her braces.

She was being stabbed by the loose wire, so we spent a large chuck of the game trying to play orthodontist and re-hook the rubberband.  Luckily the lady sitting behind me had an eyeglass repair kit with some small flat head screwdrivers I borrowed.
Still, I couldn't get it to work.

Looks like someone needs to brush her teeth...
Meanwhile, Ross was running bases like nobodies business in his signature pink socks.

When the final inning came to a close, everyone cheered.  Not only because the game didn't get rained out, but because I-35 White won the championship.

They had to play against some of their bsst friends.  
I-35 Blue came in second place.  
I think he's glad he decided to give baseball a shot.

And this is how we closed the evening.
Wire removal. 
She's good.

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