Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Take me on a Night Ride

When the girls beg me to do "something fun" in the evening, my main struggle is with 'what'.  Go play with the dog... or the goats.  Go for a walk, ride your bike or hoverboard, see what Grandmas up to, clean your room, make something, play Barbies, practice ironing or french braid your hair; I don't know.  

Then I realize how strongly I don't feel like playing Barbies and hope they decide to go play with the livestock in the goat pen.

But when the night sky is right, and I get a smidgen more energy than usual, and their sweet faces could convince me to buy a chocolate fountain or the Eifel Tower, I say 'yes' to a night drive.
It was the perfect time for a photoshoot along Hickory Ridge Road, while the girls got their first driving lesson from dad in the mule.

So glad I said 'yes'.

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