Tuesday, March 24, 2020


And just when it seemed the world was ending.

I discovered the perfect science curriculum was located across from the mailbox.

 My oldest researched preditors who rip the stomach cavity out of its prey.
And based on research, we determined we could have a cougar on the premises.
Or a coyote, or wolf, or something else...

I spy, with my little eye,

In other news, the girls can cook for themselves now.
French Toast, Eggs, Souffles. 
If a job opens up a Denny's, they'll be a shoe in.

And in the midst of it all, I'm trying to find a recipe for a "To-Die-For-Chocolate-Cake" to serve at the Foundation Dinner at school on May 4th. 
After 4 attempts, I think I'm finally close. 

Meanwhile, we're all beginning to feel fat and diabetic.

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