Monday, November 23, 2020

So Thankful

So here we are, getting ready for Thanksgiving break.  Where does the time go?  We've spent the past months mourning a favorite goat, getting ready to bring home a puppy, saying goodbye to the last of Mikes grandparents, dealing with teenagers who are HARD, embracing estrogen (and the fight that comes with it) in our girls, turning 44 and 42, loving our goats, our dog and our turtle.  Ross sold his dirt bike to purchase a 4-wheeler which is is using with friends to ride the sand dunes of Oklahoma this week.

Loading that thing up and knowing what it led to 2 years ago was not a hard goodbye.

This on the other hand, was.
Sweet Jayson Roy Boyd saying goodbye to his Great Papa Roy.  
I'll never forget watching Papa Greats eyes well-up at the airport after we brought Jayson into the Des Moines air port.

Losing this sweet goat was another tough one.  But we persevered and chalked it up to 2020.  

We were blessed with a beautiful fall.

And the day the kids found this random dog wandering around our creek full of burrs and mud, was just plain fun.
He had a collar, but our phone calls to the number on the collar led to voicemail and my post on "Missing Dogs of Madison County" went without response.  At least for a couple hours.

We started to really like the dog and (shhhh... I deleted my post on Facebook).
But sure enough, after a few hours the owners contacted and were so grateful to have Scout back.
The only thing harder than telling the owners we 'shaved it' was watching Molly hand him back to the owner with tears in her eyes. 
I was gone.

Which led to this...

I know.  

I'm nuts... and getting weak.
But I'm also realizing how short life is.  And how few surprises there are in life.
Which is why the kids think this dog will arrive by Christmas.
But actually, will be arriving TOMORROW!

Completely Nuts.
But fun!

So with faith that Mack has a good handle on being 18 and only pushes the limit a little bit, Ross is testing us in ways we probably deserve to be tested, I joined my first Autism Parent Facebook group and am working with his therapist to help him reach new goals and push some of his limitations, Molly is in the process of joining a national goat registry and is no longer afraid of mice in the goat shed and will feed both goat groups now, and Maisie's voice has developed into Whitney Houston status, we continue to move forward. 
So I finish this post with a few photos that tickled my funny bone and home your Thanksgiving Break is full of the things that bring you gratitude.

It's a boy!

We tried a new bed.


                                     Jay lost a tooth at lunch.  I had no idea.  He just left it on his napkin.


Took Molly and a friend to Starbucks and Walmart.  They said they felt "famous" at Walmart with Starbucks drinks. 

    We got Papa Greats old vacuum.  Jay read the manual and said- this vacuum is pretty much amazing based on the performance.

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