Monday, December 21, 2020

So This Is Christmas

This picture about sums up our week.  Kids are excited and the dogs ear is bent inside-out as he's forced into a sack.  
I totally get-it Jasper.  
Sometimes we just have to let things lay where they want to.

As I look through past years posts around this time of year, I don't think I'd want to trade places with myself.  There was so much to do, so many "traditions" to follow, so many expectations- and it all had to be hidden. 

This is our first year without having to convince someone Santa wouldn't burn up in the fireplace.  The first year I didn't have to scramble up early and sneak the dang Elf somewhere before I was caught, the first year I can binge watch Criminal Minds with my girls before bed and not worry about falling asleep and forgetting to fill stockings before going to bed.  

Oh, don't you worry- the stocking are still being filled every night, it's just not as urgent and planned as it once was.  
Lottery Tickets, American Eagle Underwear, Face Masks and Poo-pourri have taken the place of Dollar Store toys and candy.

Perhaps that has to do with the fact that our puppy chewed the plug-in off the Christmas Tree lights.  No lights on the tree this year.
Nobody really liked my tall, skinny tree anyway.

And my ornaments keep getting snagged by that sweet puppy, leaving Barbie and a Train Engine participating in our our Nativity Scene this year. 

But this little girl has her first basketball practice tonight and she's been ready ALL DAY.  As we got closer and closer to the school, she said her heart was pounding and she was so nervous.  
She told me she wants to be a champion.

With her level of energy, strength, motivation and confidence, I think that just may happen.

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